Friday, October 28, 2011

Count Down to Thanksgiving!

The festive part of the year is approaching us quickly. Have you begun planning your holiday menu yet? Now is a great time to start if you have not thought about your holiday meal. Nor is it too early to plan other upcoming  holidays like Chanukah , Christmas or Kwanza meals.

First on the agenda should be the menu. If the meal is a collaborative effort of family and friends,then deciding who will be preparing what from appetizers to desserts should be made very soon. Also do not forget to delegate who will be bringing the beverages.

In planning the menu please remember to keep those with special diets such as food allergies, diabetics, and vegan/ vegetarians in mind. Finding out any special dietary requirements in advance gives you the opportunity to plan and prepare dishes that everyone could enjoy at the dinner table.  The people with the special diet would be appreciative of the advance consideration and feel included in the festive dining experience.

Fall is a good time to try something new.
The fruits and vegetables that are in season now are:
Apples, artichokes, avocado, beets, bok choy, broccoli,
brussels sprouts, cabbage
carrots, cranberries, celeriac, chard, chestnuts, Greens, cranberries, daikon, fennel, guava, kiwi
kumquat, lemons, oranges, pears, persimmons, pomegranate, potatoes, quince
rutabaga,  turnips and variety of fall and winter squash

Many of these fresh fruits and vegetables are grown locally. We will be featuring recipes for side dishes in upcoming posts.

With higher food prices and slim budgets in mind take advantage of the Supermarkets: Free turkey, Ham or Lasagna giveaways! When a certain dollar amount has been spent with in the free turkey campaign time frame, a turkey, ham or lasagna is earned. Some stores offer different products so check the weekly circulars for the giveaway campaign that suits your needs. If you shop at different stores you may be eligible to win a free item from each store patronized. Most stores only allow the customer to earn one item within the time period regardless of the amount spent over the set goal.

During this time of year “good” coupons are more bountiful. I state “good” because these are more likely for items you may actually want to purchase and the value of the coupon does not require you to purchase more than one item to reap the benefit.

If holiday meal planning and cooking is overwhelming for you, consider using a Personal Chef for your meal preparations. Meal Makers, Inc. is available to help you by preparing your holiday meals or working with you to prepare your meal.  Contact us for more information

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